The Parish Council is delighted to announce that it is working with and supporting financially colleagues at the Holy Trinity Church in the organisation of a Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration event.
The event is to be in the format of an afternoon picnic in the Church grounds for all ages but aimed at families and children. It is free of charge to attend and all those in the community are invited to attend, not just regular church attendees. It will take place on Sunday 5 June commencing at 3pm.
The plan is for people to come along bring their own basic picnics but for these to be substantially enhanced by a buffet table and drinks for the children. Music will broadcast into the churchyard from the church sound system porch speaker.
There will be games and activities in the churchyard dotted around (e.g. hoopla, sports games, splat the rat, boules, and others). Hopefully there will be a celebration booklet for every family to keep.
During the course of the afternoon there will probably be an optional brief service and God Save the Queen in church around 5pm using nationally provided prayers which will be streamed on the Church’s Facebook page.
There is no need to officially register to attend but if you are intent on coming along then please let us know if you can by contacting:
Tel- 0191 5272582