New housing developments in Wingate such as the South of Wellfield Road mean the Parish Council has the potential to access Section 106 Agreement funding which can be used to help fund recreation projects in the village. The money is only available when housing developments are completed and so this could be perhaps or 4 or 5 years for the Wellfield Road development or, in fact, even longer.
To view The guidance from Durham County Council on Section 106 Agreements, click the below link.
However, the Parish Council is keen to start to think about what recreational projects people in the village might like to see and where they might like them to be. Ideas might include play equipment for example. Potentially there could be over £300,000 of funding which could be used. To help the Parish Council gain ideas about recreational projects and the potential use of Section 106 Agreement funding please answer the following questionnaire.
You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view and complete the PDF questionnaire. Alternatively you can print the questionnaire out.